Mental health issues among older adults during the pandemic

The HPS is designed to provide near real-time data on how the pandemic is affecting people’s lives. Information about the methodology and reliability of these estimates can be found in the source and accuracy statements of each data release. These statements also include information about survey invitations and response rates.

Data users interested in state-level sample size, number of respondents, weighted response rate, and coverage of occupied housing units can review the quality indicators file available on the Household Pulse Survey Technical Documentation webpage.

The HPS has a low response rate compared to other Census Bureau surveys, and data users should be cautious when interpreting survey estimates, especially given the potential impact of nonresponse bias. [PDF <1.0 MB]. Responding adults may differ from the general population in terms of the prevalence of mental health problems and demographic characteristics.

All comparisons presented in this analysis were statistically tested and, unless otherwise stated, all comparisons were statistically significant at the 90% significance level.

As part of the Census Bureau’s Experimental Data Series, the HPS is designed to reduce respondent burden, release products quickly, and produce estimates that meet urgent public needs. All estimates discussed here are computed from the Public Use Microdata File.

The analysis was supported by the National Institute on Aging’s Division of Behavioral and Social Research.

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